Social Animal, Political Animal

Rediscovering Political 朋友hip: Aristotle’s Theory 和 Modern Identity, Community, 和 Equality
Rediscovering Political 朋友hip: Aristotle’s Theory 和 Modern Identity, Community, 和 Equality
The Decline of the Death Penalty 和 the Discovery of Innocence
The Decline of the Death Penalty 和 the Discovery of Innocence
Telling, Turning Moments in the Classical Political World
Telling, Turning Moments in the Classical Political World
Jan H. 位块
What It Means to be Human: The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics
What It Means to be Human: The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics
O. 卡特大镰刀刀柄
The Heart of Rome: Ancient Rome’s Political Culture
The Heart of Rome: Ancient Rome’s Political Culture
Jan H. 位块
Republican Empire: Alex和er Hamilton on War 和 Free Government
Republican Empire: Alex和er Hamilton on War 和 Free Government
Taking the Lead in Patient Safety
Taking the Lead in Patient Safety
The Effective Republic: Administration 和 Constitution In the Thought of Alex和er Hamilton
The Effective Republic: Administration 和 Constitution In the Thought of Alex和er Hamilton
Harvey Flaumenhaft
From Parchment to Power: How James Madison Used the Bill of Rights to Save the Constitution
From Parchment to Power: How James Madison Used the Bill of Rights to Save the Constitution
Suffled How it Gush: A North American Anarchist in the Balkans
Suffled How it Gush: A North American Anarchist in the Balkans
The End of the Ancient Republic: Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
The End of the Ancient Republic: Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
Jan H. 位块
River of Lost Souls: The Science, Politics, 和 Greed Behind the Gold King Mine Disaster
River of Lost Souls: The Science, Politics, 和 Greed Behind the Gold King Mine Disaster
Jonathan Thompson
Above the Din of War: Afghans Speak 关于 Their Lives, 他们的国家, 和 Their Future–和 Why America Should Listen
Above the Din of War: Afghans Speak 关于 Their Lives, 他们的国家, 和 Their Future–和 Why America Should Listen
彼得H. Eichstaedt
Women’s Experience of Modernity, 1875-1945
Women’s Experience of Modernity, 1875-1945
Life, 自由 和 the Defense of Dignity: The Challenge for Bioethics
Life, 自由 和 the Defense of Dignity: The Challenge for Bioethics
莱昂R. 卡斯
Niccolò Machiavelli’s Art of War
Niccolò Machiavelli’s Art of War
Christopher Lynch
Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era
Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era
佩德罗J. Martinez-Fraga
Homage to Americans: Mile-High Meditations, Close Readings, 和 Time-Spanning Speculations
Homage to Americans: Mile-High Meditations, Close Readings, 和 Time-Spanning Speculations
伊娃T. H. Brann
Why Blacks, Women, 和 Jews are Not Mentioned in the Constitution, 和 Other Unorthodox Views
Why Blacks, Women, 和 Jews are Not Mentioned in the Constitution, 和 Other Unorthodox Views
The Pilgrimage of Western Man
The Pilgrimage of Western Man
Stringfellow Barr
Consuming the Congo: War 和 Conflict Minerals in the World’s Deadliest Place
Consuming the Congo: War 和 Conflict Minerals in the World’s Deadliest Place
彼得H. Eichstaedt
The Supreme Court 和 Constitutional Democracy
The Supreme Court 和 Constitutional Democracy
The Mask of Jove: A 历史 of Graeco-Roman Civilization from the Death of Alex和er to the Death of Constantine
The Mask of Jove: A 历史 of Graeco-Roman Civilization from the Death of Alex和er to the Death of Constantine
Stringfellow Barr
Citizens of the World
Citizens of the World
Stringfellow Barr
Poverty Law 和 Advocacy in America
Poverty Law 和 Advocacy in America
Toys 和 Tools in Pink: Cultural Narratives of Gender, Science, 和 Technology
Toys 和 Tools in Pink: Cultural Narratives of Gender, Science, 和 Technology
Carol Colatrella
Hobbes’s Kingdom of Light: A Study of the Foundations of Modern Political Philosophy
Hobbes’s Kingdom of Light: A Study of the Foundations of Modern Political Philosophy
Devin Stauffer
Development Of Political Theory And Government by Mortimer J. Adler 和 彼得•沃尔夫
Development Of Political Theory And Government by Mortimer J. Adler 和 彼得•沃尔夫
So Reason Can Rule: Reflections on Law 和 Politics
So Reason Can Rule: Reflections on Law 和 Politics
Scott Milross Buchanan
American Gun: The True Story of the AR-15
American Gun: The True Story of the AR-15
Zusha Elinson
After the Welfare State
After the Welfare State
Them: Why We Hate Each Other—和 How to Heal
Them: Why We Hate Each Other—和 How to Heal
本杰明E. 船闸
Organizing the Spontaneous: Citizen Protest in Postwar Japan
Organizing the Spontaneous: Citizen Protest in Postwar Japan
Wesley Sasaki-Uemura
Political Mourning: Identity 和 Responsibility in the Wake of Tragedy
Political Mourning: Identity 和 Responsibility in the Wake of Tragedy
The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis—和 How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance
The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis—和 How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance
本杰明E. 船闸
Accepting Ourselves 和 Others
Accepting Ourselves 和 Others
Kathryn Kominars
Geontologies: A Requiem to Late Liberalism
Geontologies: A Requiem to Late Liberalism
Elizabeth Povinelli
Aristotle’s Politics
Aristotle’s Politics
Mugged By Reality: The Liberation of Iraq 和 the Failure of Good Intentions
Mugged By Reality: The Liberation of Iraq 和 the Failure of Good Intentions
Ambedkar’s Preamble: A Secret 历史 of the Constitution of India
Ambedkar’s Preamble: A Secret 历史 of the Constitution of India
Hume 和 the Politics of Enlightenment
Hume 和 the Politics of Enlightenment
和平,爱, & 自由
和平,爱, & 自由
American Homo: Community 和 Perversity
American Homo: Community 和 Perversity
Jeffrey Escoffier
Is the Supreme Court the Guardian of the Constitution?
Is the Supreme Court the Guardian of the Constitution?
Principle 和 Prudence in Western Political Thought
Principle 和 Prudence in Western Political Thought
Christopher Lynch
Eros 和 Socratic Political Philosophy
Eros 和 Socratic Political Philosophy
With 自由 和 Justice for All? The Constitution in the Classroom
With 自由 和 Justice for All? The Constitution in the Classroom
Steven Steinbach
Nonviolence Ain’t What It Used To Be: Unarmed Insurrection 和 the Rhetoric of Resistance
Nonviolence Ain’t What It Used To Be: Unarmed Insurrection 和 the Rhetoric of Resistance
Social Policy 和 Social Programs
Social Policy 和 Social Programs